What Really Happened During The Russian Revolution
If there is any single event in human history that leftists worship, it is the communist Russian Revolution. They idealize it as some sort of glorious triumph of the common… read more
Writer Jack London Accurately Predicted The Rise Of China
Napoleon said something like this about China: Here rests a sleeping giant, let it sleep, for when it awakens, it will stun the world. Jack London wrote a short story,… read more
The Fascinating Origins Of The Cyrillic Alphabet And Orthodox Christianity In Eastern Europe
I’ve always been fascinated by how small events can lead to massive changes—how one decision can lead to a ripple effect that alters the course of history forever. In their… read more
The Roman Empire Was Built And Maintained By Top Athletes
If we want patriarchy and sanity back, or in other words if we want a return of kings, a great source of inspiration can be found in history. The Roman… read more
The Sanctity Of The United States Constitution
If you are a born or naturalized citizen of the United States, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. Constitution belongs to you. It was conceived for you,… read more
The Great Betrayal Of Rhodesia
To modern generations, Rhodesia is just a name. Few know what it was, even fewer can find it on the map. Those who caught the Cold War might recall bits… read more
What Ignoring Plumbing And Its History Says About Modern Civilization
“That’s the trouble with everybody – you’re all so bored,” rants Johnny, the protagonist of Mike Leigh’s 1993 film Naked. “You’ve had nature explained to you and you’re bored with… read more
15 Evil Or Incompetent Women Who Prove That Females Are Horrible Leaders
A common argument amongst feminists (in addition to their emasculated white knight and soy boy allies) is that women are better suited for leadership positions in the modern world. It… read more
How Archaeologists Changed History To Herstory
Academic research on ancient Egypt is dependent on public interest. We call the Western public’s fascination with our subject “Egyptomania.” So in order to generate funds, researchers must be reactive… read more
The Biggest Rape Hoax In History
Our revered spokesman Roosh recently Tweeted that Rolling Stone’s UVA rape hoax story was the “biggest rape hoax in the history of mankind.” "Dear sir, I'm writing an article for… read more
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