Slavery Practices Throughout History
What do you know about Spartans? Based solely on the movie 300 (2006), one could imagine they were fearless in combat, ridiculously ripped, and dedicated to fighting against tyranny. But,… read more
People Have Always Thought The World Was Ending
Now that the 2012 phenomenon is behind us, perhaps its time to pause, take a breath, and ask the question—why were so many people so willingly duped? What is the… read more
Why Most Women Didn’t Want The Right To Vote
The popular narrative today is that women demanded the right to vote and the menfolk just told them no until they got tired of their whining. After all, why wouldn’t… read more
How We Arrived At The State Of Total Globalization
We live in a time like no other in history. A time of both great opportunity and great peril. Today, a man can board an airplane for less than a… read more
How To Be Masculine Like The Zaporozhian Cossacks
In 1615, a fleet of 80 Zaporozhian Cossack boats, called chaiky, slipped into the harbor of Constantinople and razed the entire area around the harbor to the ground. This was… read more
Lawyer Hate Is Of Old Date
We are wise to be cautious when men too strongly denounce their peers or benefactors; it is often an unconscious way of concealing an unsatisfied obligation. The bonds of affection… read more
How Limiting Vocabulary Reduces Our Ability To Dissent From The PC Narrative
A frequent topic of conversation here is criticism of SJWs and their insistence on using a specific form of English, often peppered with pseudo-academic jargon. These words are sometimes called “neologisms”—for… read more
What You Can Learn About Being A Man From The Vikings
In 982, Erik the Red took a boat and set sail for the west. He had been recently sentenced to three years of exile from Iceland for a series of… read more
The Curse Of Hubris: The Rise And Fall Of The Marquis De Pombal
Plutarch’s Life of Aristides contains a compelling aside about the perfectibility of a leader. What he calls the “divine nature” of a great man has three attributes: power, virtue, and… read more
Russian Folktales Can Teach You How To Be A Man
If you want to live in a country and understand its people, you need to have an understanding of the stories that they grew up with. Whether these are folk… read more
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