Why The Native Peoples In Australia Were Doomed
We recently had Australia Day here down under. This involves a lot of beer drinking, barbeques, fireworks displays and SJW circlejerks over events that occurred centuries ago. More than most countries, Australia is… read more
On Becoming Immortal: The Life Of Heracles
In ancient Greece there was one man whose legend rose above that of everyone else. He was one of the few mortals whose fame equaled that of the gods themselves…. read more
The Guy Fawkes Mask Is The Perfect Symbol For The Millennial Generation
Ever since the Occupy Wall Street Movement of 2011 proliferated the world, the Guy Fawkes stylized mask has become synonymous with Anonymous “Hacktivists,” rioters, and disenchanted millennials. Everywhere from the… read more
7 Highlights From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard Speech
Previous: Solzhenitsyn’s Warning About Communism Applies To Today’s Culture War Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote The Gulag Archipelago, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich after serving in Stalin’s gulag due to criticizing the… read more
The Story Of The Great Axis Rebellion
“We will fight them on the beaches…” British Prime Minister Winston Churchill so dramatically declared on the 4th of June 1940, shortly after the Dunkirk Evacuation and days before the… read more
What The West Can Learn From India’s Checkered History
For many years now, people from the developed West have generally viewed India as a backward, uncivilized, poor and godforsaken place. Being an Indian myself, I do not believe that… read more
Solzhenitsyn’s Warning About Communism Applies To Today’s Culture War
I’d like to share a quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident author who emigrated to the United States during the height of the Cold War. Solzhenitsyn wrote about… read more
The Covert Operations Of Hans Tofte During The Korean War
By the beginning of 1951, the belligerents of the Korean War had been locked in a brutal struggle since June of the previous year. Ground combat had seesawed up and… read more
Ancient Sparta Showed That Women’s Rights Are A Function Of The Economy
Introduction Many readers of ROK may believe that feminism, with its supposed goal of achieving equality between men and women by promoting women’s rights, is a relatively new concept that… read more
Polygamy Made America Strong
As a missionary in Europe, I once knocked on a door at a nondescript housing development. Half a dozen hot Middle Eastern girls answered the door, dressed in skimpy Jasmine-like… read more
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