The Visionary War Photography Of Alexander Gardner
In 1856, a thirty-five-year-old Scotsman named Alexander Gardner arrived in New York City to begin employment as a photographer for Matthew Brady’s celebrated portrait studio. Gardner had worked hard all… read more
Red Eminence: The Iron Will Of Cardinal Richelieu
Of the many leadership traits, willpower has special significance. Difficult to describe, it is best illustrated by historical example, rather than by general discussion. That sustained application of effort over… read more
The Age of Commerce
Foreword The “Fate Of Empires and Search For Survival” is an essay written by Sir John Glubb and published in 1977. Sadly, The Fate Of Empires is no longer in publication, but… read more
The Age Of Conquests
Foreword The “Fate Of Empires and Search For Survival” is an essay written by Sir John Glubb and published in 1977. Sadly, The Fate Of Empires is no longer in publication, but… read more
How To Build A Dynasty
Dynasties have long captivated the American imagination. From Roosevelts to Bushes and Romneys, Americans have never let their anti-monarchial roots prevent them from expressing their fascination with families whose intergenerational… read more
The Age Of Pioneers
Foreword The “Fate Of Empires and Search For Survival“, is an essay written by Sir John Glubb and published in 1977. Unfortunately the Fate Of Empires is no longer in publication,… read more
Men Fought The Nazis, Women Slept With Them
I grew up listening to my family’s tales about their service in World War 2. A grand total of four of my forebears served in the Canadian Army during WW2—one… read more
What Does The 4th Of July Mean In Modern Times?
A History Lesson On the 4th of July, 1776, the original thirteen American colonies declared their independence from the British Empire in the form of the Declaration Of Independence. After… read more
Clash Of Steel And Wills: The Story Of The Battle Of Lepanto
The climax of European military effort in the Mediterranean, and one of the most awe-inspiring naval engagements ever fought, was the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. A rickety, unlikely alliance… read more
The Lives Of Great Men As Moral Instruction
There is no better school of instruction for our own lives than in learning about the lives and trials of great men. By following their experiences, struggles, and adversities, we… read more
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