The Manliest of Men: Adrian Carton de Wiart
Man has created some of the toughest sons of bitches on the face of the planet through both real events and fiction over and over again throughout history. In the… read more
Lessons From The Life Of Casanova
Giovanni Jacopo Casanova (1725-1798) tacked on the spurious title âde Seingaltâ to his name as a way of impressing the people he was attempting to manipulate. By all accounts, he… read more
The Roots Of Feminism In America
This is the first installment of a multi-part series about the evolution, or devolution, of the American woman throughout the arc of American history. Womenâs Contributions To The Revolutionary War… read more
5 Timeless Lessons From Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi was born in 16th century feudal Japan. The exact year of his birth is debated. His accomplishments, however, are not. At the age of 13 Musashi challenged an older… read more
Julius Caesar’s Gallic War
Julius Caesar needs little introduction. Â By common consent, he occupies a high seat in the pantheon of Western historical figures. Â But few can adequately explain why he was a great… read more
Why Modern Feminism Is White Womanâs Privilege
Iâve spoken about the limits of feminism before, but today Iâd like to explore them further. Feminism, as a whole, is not without some wide appeal. Women almost everywhere, for… read more
12 Great Quotes From The Landmark Thucydides
1. Athens’ biggest worry was the sheer recklessness of its own democratic government. A simple majority of the citizenry, urged on and incensed by clever demagogues, might capriciously send out military forces… read more
The Humiliation Of A Great Empire
After losing the decisive sea battle with Syracuse, the Athenian army decided to make a run for it: Nicias and Demosthenes [Athenian generals] now thinking that enough had been done… read more
A Sea Battle For The Ages
The following excerpt from The Landmark Thucydides describes an epic sea battle between Athens and Syracuse (Athens invaded Sicily, where Syracuse was the dominant power). After some quick victories, the… read more
The Speech To Save Your Life
If your conquerors held a sword above your neck but allowed you to give you a speech that might sway them, would you be able to convince them to save… read more
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