Ancient Greece Was A Middle Class Civilization
Ancient Greece has mesmerized modern Westerners for centuries. Enthusiastic scholars went as far as talking of a “Greek miracle,” and even if they went a bit far, it is easy… read more
The Story Of How The South African Koevoet Killed Thousands Of Communists
When the bloody tide of communism started rolling across the Black Continent in the 1960’s, the Western world preferred to sit and watch, or even assist it. The astute few,… read more
How Virile Philosophers Saved The Greek Civilization
The state of Greece twenty-five centuries ago has surprising contemporary overtones. The Hellenic peninsular was a very loose confederation of city-states, many constantly at war with each other. Greeks only… read more
My Father Invented A Hand-Cranked Multiple Grenade Launcher
My late father was an inventor and tool & die maker. In the late 1940s, he built stamping dies and tooling for a company that manufactured fishing lures. During his tenure… read more
How Western Globalists Created Radical Islam
For decades, the West has been plagued by Radical Islamic Terrorism. From the bombing of the US embassy in Lebanon in 1983, to the more recent Charlie Hebdo attacks, Orlando… read more
The Great Siege Of Malta
Soldiers of the Ottoman Empire were routed on September 11, 1565 in what came to be known as “The Great Siege of Malta”. They were humiliated and forced to retreat… read more
7 Important Books About Power From Antiquity To The 19th Century
Power is a broad topic. Every important aspect of our lives is related to it. This is evident in game, where dominance must be obtained or simulated, and where females… read more
There Is No Sex Equality When It Comes To Civilizational Contributions
Recently we had another one of those cringe-worthy clickbait responses to some troll or random Internet nobody as Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, Texas replied to an angry email… read more
How William Clark Made An Everlasting Impact On The Japanese Psyche
William S. Clark is not a name which strikes a chord with the American public, let alone all but the most dedicated of 19th century history buffs. In both cases,… read more
The Sordid History Of When The Soviets Tried To Breed Apes With Humans
It’s a common catchphrase that “There are no races; there’s only the human race.” To be technical, humanity is a species, but there I go being a spoilsport. Once again… read more
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