What Men Can Learn From The Fascinating Destiny Of English Explorer William Adams
I have done some thrilling and exciting stuff over the years. However, it is hard to compete with the real William Adams (1564-1620), the British explorer who sailed almost the… read more
Trapped On The Ocean Floor: A Stunning Tale Of Maritime Survival
Cape Sable in Nova Scotia has been the scene of many hundreds of shipwrecks over the centuries. According to one reliable chronicler of the days of sail, that number is… read more
6 Lessons About Women And Relationships From The Law Code Of Manu
Considered from a long memory point of view, feminism is quite recent, owing its exponential development to a very specific modern historical context. The matriarchal tribes Leftist anthropologists have been… read more
How White Europeans Contributed To African Cultural Identity And Dignity
It may seem a characteristic of modern times, but not all of our experiences as historical beings needs to be reduced to a good guy bad guy narrative. Facts can… read more
5 Bonus Life Lessons From The Law Code Of Manu
A good thing about not being a conservative lies in having a wider range of possibilities and references available. Over the years, the same red pill I got by reading… read more
4 Flagrant Lies About The American Confederacy
If you have been paying attention to the news lately, left wing groups are taking down monuments to Confederate leaders like Robert E. Lee (a pro-constitution, anti-slavery, non-drinking, non-smoking, no-profanity… read more
Turkish Leader Ataturk Proved That A Nation’s Terminal Decline Can Be Reversed
There are times in history when a man of humble birth rises to the occasion when his nation is in mortal danger. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was one of them. A… read more
How A Tsunami Of Molasses Killed 21 People In America’s Weirdest Tragedy
Molasses has been an important commodity for much of American history. Besides its use in candy and confections, it is also distilled into alcohol. But even apparently harmless substances can… read more
5 Essential Life Lessons From The Hindu Law Code Of Manu
According to official academics, the Law Code of Manu is a legal document produced around the second or third century BC in India. It has been created in a context… read more
Nelson Mandela Has Left A Legacy Of Utter Failure In South Africa
Most people believe Nelson Mandela was jailed simply for being a dissident. Actually, he orchestrated a full-scale bombing campaign. The music scene brought him to international celebrity status; a testament to… read more
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