It Only Takes A Few Men To Change The Course Of History
With the proper motivation and preparation, small numbers of men can do great things. Numeric limitation is but one part of the equation. This fact will be illustrated by a… read more
The Assassination Of Communist Leon Trotsky
For a time in the 1920s Leon Trotsky was second in importance in Soviet Russia only to Lenin himself. Many believed him to be the natural choice to succeed Lenin. … read more
The Story Of The Man Behind The Phrase “Pyrrhic Victory”
Most learned men know of the term “Pyrrhic victory”, an achievement against so brutal a force that the success both advances and ruins oneself. Derived from Pyrrhus of Epirus, the… read more
Are Proles The Useful Idiots Of A Two Centuries Old Elite Plan?
Our parents were taught at school that the world split up between capitalism and communism. For some, capitalism was to be equated with freedom and Western civilization—and it ominously slipped… read more
Valor Of Rhodesia’s Selous Scouts
The Rhodesian Bush War is among the most poorly documented conflicts of the 20th century. Not because of lousy record-keeping, but due to sheer amount of media lies and obfuscation… read more
3 Pieces Of KGB Propaganda Americans Still Believe Today
The Sword and the Shield by KGB insider Vasili Mitrokhin provides a fascinating look from the other side of the Cold War’s espionage efforts. All told, we have confirmation of… read more
The Story Behind The 2008 Financial Crisis
The subprime mortgage crisis emerged in 2007, driving down the stock market late in the year. 2008 began with the economy in freefall, the stock market finally hitting rock bottom… read more
The Stories Of Two Domestic Terrorist Groups That Were Dropped In The Memory Hole
We often remember the late 1960s and early 1970s as a time of peace and love. Despite that, there was an undercurrent of violence. Street crime was skyrocketing, thanks to… read more
Why The Left Is Suppressing The Truth About Argentina’s Military Junta
The mainstream media narrative about Argentina in the 1970s goes something like this: (1) Argentina was governed by a brutal, merciless military junta from 1976 to 1983; (2) the dictatorship… read more
The Real Legacy Of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet
Recent incidents of leftist violence in the United States have caused some thoughtful commentators to consider the possibility of a return to 1970s-style leftist terrorism in the West. For most… read more
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