An Unsung Hero: The Legend Of Danny Roxo
People who distinguish themselves in battle are either hailed as heroes or reviled as murderers. Both kinds make frequent appearances on TV, either bedangled with medals or ruthlessly demonized. However,… read more
How To Stage A Successful Coup
The recent coup attempt several days ago in Turkey failed for several reasons. Chief among them were the inability of the coup plotters to secure the support of key military… read more
How The Assault Rifle Was Invented
During the First World War, the soldiers of all the belligerent nations carried rifles that were designed for accurate long-range fire. Germany had its Mauser; France its Lebel; Britain its… read more
4 Ancient Tactics For Modern Streetfighting
I don’t think I need to tell anybody about the decidedly Weimar-esque events that occurred in Sacramento, California a couple of weeks ago, in which fascists and communists battled in… read more
The Quest For Freedom Of Thought
This article was originally published on Fortress of the Mind. We take it for granted today that we should be able to think and speak as we wish. It is very… read more
How Peru Defeated The Shining Path Guerrillas
Dictators get little gratitude. When they are on top, everyone loves (or claims to love) them; but when they fall or leave office, they are reviled, accused, and loathed. Chile’s… read more
Soviet Defector Yuri Bezmenov Accurately Predicted How America Would Decline
Yuri Bezmenov, a disillusioned Soviet KGB agent, defected to North America while stationed in India. His goal was to save the West from Soviet subversion by publicizing KGB tactics and… read more
Even Misplaced Nationalism Can Be Good For A Country’s Morale
I much prefer to be in a country that has a strong sense of nationalism than one which does not. One tends to respect those who respect themselves. One also… read more
The Truth About Andrew Jackson And Harriet Tubman
By now you might have seen the confusing news of the treasury replacing President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill for Harriet Tubman. While such a move would normally lead us… read more
How One Man’s Leap Of Intuition Led To A Life-Saving Discovery
Smallpox ranks among the world’s most terrible diseases. Over the centuries, it has killed or scarred hundreds of millions of people. It seems to have originated in the tropical zones… read more
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