Why Does America Topple Socialist Regimes Abroad While Adopting Their Policies At Home?
BRICS, an economic alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is attempting to challenge American world hegemony. This has the U.S. moving to retain its standing in the… read more
How The Media Is Using Inquisition Tactics To Make You Paranoid And Miserable
The CNN website this Saturday carried a story entitled “10 Reasons Single Women Should Be Mad.” It is a familiar-themed piece of mass-media dreck, reciting the same tired litany of… read more
Why The Left Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Tripolitan Pirate Wars
The great historian George Santayana is often quoted as saying, Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and… read more
How Theodore Roosevelt Almost Lost His Life On The Amazonian River Of Doubt
Theodore Roosevelt was unique among the occupants of the presidential office. Besides all of his achievements during his tenure as chief executive, he led a remarkable private life as well…. read more
How Propaganda Lies Are Used As Weapons
Recent news reports from the Korean peninsula claim that in January over one million propaganda leaflets were sent into South Korea by North Korea. The barrage of leaflets, all sent… read more
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About European Colonialism
With Australia Day come and gone, I found myself getting into many an argument with people on Facebook about the very thing we celebrate every year (and take a very… read more
5 Reasons Why Israel Is One Of The World’s Most Successful States
The nation of Israel is often held up by cuckservatives and Jews as an example of a country that has succeeded in the face of overwhelming odds. Despite being surrounded… read more
How Your Feelings Of Guilt Are Being Weaponized Against You
Recently, I was chatting with a German friend about the sexual assaults in Cologne of women by the “rapefugees” that had been invited into the country by Chancellor Merkel. I… read more
What We Must Learn From The Hungarian Communist Revolution Of 1919
Historians of twentieth century Europe, I have noticed, tend to gloss over or minimize the atrocities and crimes of leftists, anarchists, and communists. We hear constantly about the excesses of… read more
Masculine Strengths And Weaknesses In Germanic Tribes
Roman historian Tacitus wrote Germania in the first century A.D. as a study of the strengths and weaknesses of Germany’s tribes. He observed men who failed to lead their families… read more
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