Do You Believe The Official 9/11 Story?
Most of us remember September 11, 2001 as a tragic and world-changing day. In the only major attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor, over a dozen Muslims hijacked planes… read more
How The Christmas Truce Of 1914 Shows The World Has Become Less Civil
It was the first Christmas of World War I. German and British troops had already been dug into the trenches of the Western Front for five months when something of… read more
A Modern Day Horror Story On The Origin Of The Transgender Movement
Today David Reimer would be 50 years old. He would be at the peak of his career, perhaps with a couple of teenage kids, whom he could look forward to… read more
The Spartacist Revolt Shows Why Force Must Often Be Met With Force
Social justice warriors (SJWs) come in all shapes and sizes, but their methods and mentalities are similar enough to draw meaningful conclusions about such things if a long enough timeline… read more
The Genesis Of Dracula
Some novelists write a great deal, and develop their art to a level of superlative achievement. Then there are those rare few who write much less, or very little at… read more
Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise To Power
On December 2, 1804, Notre Dame Cathedral echoed with the sounds of 400 musicians and singers as 35 year old Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor (crowning himself, incidentally). “I found… read more
Is It Racist To Celebrate Columbus Day?
Every single year on Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, people blow up my Facebook feed with anti-Columbus and anti-white posts and comments. The general message that is relayed is tantamount to… read more
If You Stay In The Fight Long Enough, Your Luck Will Change
Sometimes in life, you have no choice but to fight on, and hope that tomorrow will be better. When the odds are against you (which they usually will be), those… read more
How Freudian Psychology Subverted And Destroyed A Catholic Convent
The 1960s comprised a period of great upheaval and change in the west. Two major groups that underwent significant change were the Catholic church and the field of psychology. Psychology… read more
The Descent Into Violence Of Algeria’s Civil War
Last week, we discussed Algeria’s war of independence from France in the 1950s. We will now turn our attention to another conflict in that beautiful but unfortunate country: the civil… read more
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