Three Is Stronger Than One: The Parable Of The Three Twigs Of King Svatopluk
United we stand, divided we falter. This classic maxim has been a lesson taught since ancient times. It pertains to the fact that when a people stand united in the… read more
The Algerian War Of Independence: Lessons For Today
I have been a long time student of Algeria’s war of independence, which took place from 1954 to 1962. Repeated viewings of Gillo Pontecorvo’s brilliant 1966 film The Battle of… read more
An Introduction To The Machiavelli Of The East
A man is born alone and dies alone; he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone, and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode. –… read more
One Man Can Change The World
Athanasius of Alexandria (296-98? – 373) is held in esteem by all Christian churches. His stout defense of the dogma of the Holy Trinity earned him the title of “The… read more
10 Lessons From The Life Of Genghis Khan
It is not sufficient that I succeed – everyone else must fail. – Genghis Khan History is replete with examples of formidable leaders – but one undeniable example is that… read more
5 Modern Day Social Justice Warriors Who Would Have Been Institutionalized In The Past
Social justice warriors are known for their angry, morally righteous proclamations on the evils of modern society. Prominent SJWs such as Anita Sarkeesian, Laurie Penny and John Scalzi rail against… read more
Why Is The United States Still Using The Prussian Education System?
Have you ever wondered why pupils are expected to rise when the teacher enters the classroom? I have, and the strangest part to me was that I couldn’t recall anybody… read more
3 Men Who Saved The West
Western Civilization was not always the military and scientific powerhouse it has been over the past 500 years. It was made so by the actions of an elite cadre on men… read more
Rape Culture Was Invented In 1975
Still left wondering how the preposterous “Rape Culture” hysteria began? It’s okay, you weren’t supposed to know. On September 9, 1973, two black prisoners of Lorton, Virginia founded the group,… read more
The 10 Most Extraordinary Things About The Battle Of Stalingrad
Stalingrad by Antony Beevor is a book every man should read. The brutal, five-month struggle between the German Wehrmacht and the Red Army broke new records in human brutality. The Soviet counter-offensive… read more
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