Hold my beer and watch this
She’s done it all wrong. Why hasn’t God delivered the husband she is praying for?
MarcusD pointed out a thread on CAF where a 34 year old divorcée and alpha widow is troubled that God hasn’t answered her prayers for a new husband she can… read more
She was trying to fix* men.
Jenny Erikson writes in Dear Mr. Unavailable … (H/T Aaron the Just): I always thought I could fix you, Mr. Unavailable. That if I were patient enough, loving enough, kind enough, smart… read more
Mysterious forces at work.
Beth writes The Frisky’s Ask a Married Guy wondering what is wrong with men? Why are they afraid to commit? I am an attractive writer, divorced for almost four years…. read more
Advanced divorce sales…
Valentines Day edition. See Also: A Beginners Guide to Selling Divorce. Intermediate guide to selling divorce; overcoming women’s better judgment. read more
Hold my beer
and watch this. Note the “like” counts for Proud Single Moms and I Love My Husband at the bottom of the article. Edit: The counts appear to be cumulative for the… read more
Empowerment turned demotion.
Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees: 3. It feels like a demotion. The… read more
Women’s morphing need for male investment.
In a previous post I discussed the importance of male investment in women’s intrasexual status competition. This investment can range from the validation which comes from being selected for a… read more
Two lists every woman should make before frivolously divorcing
This will be a short post, but may well be the most important thing you take away from my blog. Every woman considering divorce without serious cause should make up… read more
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