Missed a spot.
The ugly feminist compulsion to mark all things masculine as feminine knows no bounds. As single mother Emily McCombs at The Huffington Post explains, now ugly feminist mothers have turned… read more
Will Wilcox and the men of National Review respect you in the morning?
Over the last year or so there has been a concerted effort by men associated with National Review to woo men into marriage. The most recent example of this is… read more
Not like the movies.
Huffington Post Divorce warns its readers that dating after divorce tends to be a letdown in The 11 Worst Pick Up Lines Divorcés Have Ever Heard: Thinking of jumping back… read more
Real men don’t just carry purses, they restock them too.
A teenage boy’s supplicating instagram post has gone viral, and is upping the ante for servant leaders everywhere. TO EVERY BOY THAT FOLLOWS ME AND CALLS HIMSELF A MAN OR SIMPLY… read more
Debtors prisons are an essential tool of our new public policy.
Earlier this month Christopher Mathias at Huffington Post connected the Walter Scott case to our new family model in: One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments…. read more
Why can’t I write without being written about?
Laura Lifshitz fails to honor my right to write without being written about in What It’s Like to Be an Evil Jewish Divorcee: A group of supposed “Christian” men bantered… read more
Laura Lifshitz hits the bigtime
Divorce is big business, and this isn’t limited to the family courts and the wide range of cogs in the machinery that destroys families. When women aren’t destroying their own… read more
Yiayia and the empress’s new clothes
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more
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