Should we fine tune our replacement of marriage?
Workingmother.com has a post up about the question of whether men should be able to legally opt out of fatherhood: The woman said the idea came from a friend—a woman… read more
How things work.
One of Cane Caldo’s readers suggested that feminists are likely to complain that he hasn’t made his case regarding the term bastard with sufficient detail. Cane responded: I can live… read more
Turning the hearts of children from their fathers.
5“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 6And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and… read more
More bad news for marriage is baked in.
Back in September W. Bradford Wilcox and Wendy Wang published an American Enterprise Institute report titled The Marriage Divide: How and Why Working-Class Families Are More Fragile Today. I’ve written… read more
Cucked by Courtly Love.
Cuckoo’s are diabolical parasites. The video below shows what happens after a cuckoo egg is laid in a Warbler’s nest. The cuckoo chick ejects the real offspring so it… read more
Percent of births out of wedlock by age and race of of mother.
I’ve done a quick scan of the latest US data I could find on out of wedlock births, and some of the data is very interesting. The first thing that… read more
Someone tell Gilligan.
From our local DFW channel 8 news: Suspected gunman who shot Dallas firefighter had long rap sheet (emphasis mine): WFAA talked to family members and learned Brown is the father… read more
Father Roulette
A German judge has coined a brilliant term for the new family model we have adopted to replace marriage: father roulette. From the Daily Mail German woman loses legal bid… read more
What about the fathers?
Last year Kathryn Edin wrote in The Shriver Report about low income single fathers, in a piece titled What About the Fathers? She thought she knew all about these men,… read more
A bit of data on Black children living with their fathers.
As I explained in Black Fathers [Don’t] Matter, the official data on intact families is problematic because both HHS and the US Census are all too eager to count any man mom… read more
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