Reconciling old and new conservative views.
Stephen Green has a post up at Instapundit on the US Submarine force’s failure to meet the needs of women. Not all women who want to serve on submarines are… read more
Instapundit ran a post yesterday about the controversy the director of the latest movie in the Terminator series is trying to generate around the fact that the movie features a… read more
Sex sells.
Instapundit has a link up to a Bablylon Bee piece about the “pay gap” for women’s soccer. One common refrain in the comments is that women’s soccer has a smaller… read more
They thought he was chivalrous (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
From the Daily Mail, Modern day dandy, 25, who has dressed only in Regency-period clothes since burning his jeans at 14 says his eccentric attire has seen him receive ‘countless offers… read more
Stinky feminists strike back.
H/T Instapundit Stinkyness is a favorite weapon of ugly feminists, so the new Slate article shouldn’t be entirely surprising. Deodorants were created to solve a fake problem and thrived thanks… read more
Men stopped reverencing women.
Instapundit linked to an article at Evie Magazine* by S.G. Cheah titled How Feminism Is Driving The Growing Trend Of Anti-Women Subcultures. Cheah describes a disturbing conversation she had with… read more
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