Any day now she’ll see I’m the man for her!
Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to an article on nearly all house democrats sponsoring a transgender sports bill: HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): 234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing… read more
“Patriarchy Chicken”, a microcosm of feminism.
From Instapundit HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Professor says she plays “chicken” with men while walking to empower women. “The idea of patriarchy chicken is as follows: by refusing to move… read more
Courtesy of Instapundit, Jim Treacher explains that Some Critics Like Captain Marvel, and Some Critics Hate Women: I mean, did these morons see the same Captain Marvel I saw? (No,… read more
No true Lancelot.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit very kindly linked* to my recent post Call me unchivalrous: THE RISE OF THE UNCHIVALROUS CHRISTIAN. “From the very beginning chivalry’s teaching on men and women… read more
Weak men are screwing #MeToo up.
Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. Via Larry… read more
Incentives matter.
The U.S. and our allies won the Cold War in part because we had a far superior economic system. The Soviets relied on a quota system enforced by threats of… read more
Chivalry’s mortal enemy: Toxic masculinity.
George Yancy at the New York Times confesses his sin: I am a failed and broken feminist. More pointedly, I am sexist. There are times when I fear for the… read more
A disgrace to the garter?
From The Telegraph (paywall warning*): Scotland Yard deputy commissioner tells inquest he locked himself in a car as he watched Westminster terrorist stab colleague. [Sir Craig Mackey] locked himself in… read more
Two terribly unchivalrous ladies.
The standard assumption is that #MeToo is purely a feminist phenomenon. But while its most visible and vocal proponents are feminst, the bedrock of #MeToo is not feminist, but chivalrous. … read more
Organized Female Nagging, Forever.
I happened to stumble upon this 1920 anti suffrage broadside while looking for something else (source). Interestingly the broadside was created by a group of women who opposed suffrage,… read more
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