What could possibly go wrong?
I offered this as a comment over at Instapundit, in response to a post on the impending sexbot revolution. Time is the modern woman’s real enemy here, with technology merely… read more
Well played.
The Federalist is outraged at blatant Christian legalism when it comes to selecting a spouse: Women Prefer Physically Fit Men With Good Jobs And No Criminal Record Recently, there have… read more
Chivalry and the kickass conservative gal.
While they may seem like an unlikely match at first, chivalry and the kickass conservative gal are a marriage made in modern conservative heaven. As commenter Mother_of_4_Original demonstrates in her response… read more
Go ahead; try to make this stuff up.
I dare you. From Profs say female STEM grades don’t reflect ‘perceived effort’: Based on surveys of 828 STEM students, the professors conclude that female students believe they work harder than… read more
The coward’s way out.
Kevin Williamson at National Review writes in Advice for Incels: In the 1960s and 1970s, there were some social disruptions touching marriage and family life. It was, they told us,… read more
He wipes his feet and eats what he is served.
Instapundit linked to a post by Dr. Helen titled How Have Men been Affected by Feminism? The stories ranged from an immigrant from India who felt that “feminism was a… read more
The changing “thoughts and prayers” narrative from the left.
With the full court press by the left condemning figures on the right for offering “thoughts and prayers” for the victims of the Florida mass shooting, it is worth noting… read more
Waning pussy power.
Last January the symbol most closely associated with the Women’s March was a pink knit hat with ears, called the “pussy power hat”. The headline at Time’s Motto announced: Women… read more
Drowning in a sea of smugness.
In response to Women hardest hit commenter Micha Elyi smugly explained that the RCC’s hard line on divorce puts Protestants to shame: Kind’a makes you think that King Henry VIII and… read more
A tough spot for conservatives.
DC McAllister at PJ Media wrote a post arguing that Special K’s marketing campaign encouraging girls to play football is hurting women. Her first argument is that men, and young… read more
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