Weak men screwing Star Wars feminism up.
Spoiler Alert: Don’t read any further if you want to avoid plot spoilers for the new Star Wars movie. Mark Judge complains that weak men are screwing his Star Wars… read more
OT: National Ammo Day
Instapundit is reminding readers that today is National Ammo Day. Instapundit also noted yesterday that Obama is suggesting that he will spend his last year in office focused on gun… read more
He’s begging you; don’t forget the beta bucks!
Yesterday Instapundit linked to a piece by Mark Judge titled How Feminism Created the Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Refreshingly, Judge isn’t jumping in with the standard Traditional Conservative complaint that… read more
Glorious Feminist Progress!
Cane Caldo argues in The War Conservatives Never Knew They Lost: It would be more true to say that those we call Liberals were fighting to occupy Conservatism, and that’s… read more
If you can’t feel the current, you have already been swept away.
Instapundit kindly linked to my post They aren’t talking about headship. LIFE AMONG THE CHURCHIANS: “My problem is that no church I know makes it clear what the wife’s obligation… read more
A giant misunderstanding.
In an effort to improve communication between Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and Lisa Madigan, I offer the following suggested correction. What Madigan no doubt meant was (corrections in bold): If… read more
Doing rape hysteria right.
Freddie deBoer at The Week argues in What progressives don’t want to talk about in the Rolling Stone scandal*: A presumption of truth in every rape accusation is an impossible standard…. read more
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