Jenny Erikson
Don’t fear marriage and fatherhood, but beware those who are working to destroy your family.
Matt Walsh has a new post up at the Blaze*: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Walsh makes some good points. He notes that marriage isn’t… read more
It didn’t originate with the marketers, but that doesn’t make them blameless.
I thought I was done with this, but I see that Matt Walsh is continuing with his insistence that marketers are the reason women behave badly. Imagine the message that would… read more
She was trying to fix* men.
Jenny Erikson writes in Dear Mr. Unavailable … (H/T Aaron the Just): I always thought I could fix you, Mr. Unavailable. That if I were patient enough, loving enough, kind enough, smart… read more
Stiff competition.
The competition for the title of the Christian Manosphere’s biggest cliché is heating up. Watch out Jenny Erikson, the upcoming movie Christian Mingle will be hard to beat: ‘Christian Mingle’ is… read more
Their open marriages are threatening her serial monogamy.
Jenny Erikson worries that some parents aren’t doing promiscuity the right way, and as a result they are creating the wrong kind of chaos for their children: Of course promises get… read more
Soothing words for the unrepentant baby mama.
Christian mommyblogger Jenny Erikson is furious that her pastor first ruined the surprise she had in store for her husband and then called her out on her sin, but she is understandably… read more
He ruined the surprise.
Christian mommyblogger Jenny Erikson is outraged that her pastor ruined the surprise she had planned for her husband. She explains in How My Husband Found Out I Was Leaving Him: So… read more
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