Judging the performance
A challenge to traditionalists.
Commenter thedeti wrote in response to A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market. I seem to remember Cane Caldo saying something like this. I had Cane’s comments in mind when I wrote… read more
A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market.
One comment I see from fathers with surprising regularity is that their unmarried daughter is in a great position to find a husband because she’s not remotely interested in the… read more
Someday we’ll laugh!
Commenter Ofelas pointed out the absurdity of the main character in Cat Person imagining how much a future boyfriend would enjoy hearing about her having sex with other men: …she… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 4: judging the performance.
Christian wives have been taught to see their role in biblical marriage primarily as a judge of their husband’s obligation to love them as Christ loved the church. This is… read more
When judging the performance goes wrong
Badger had several excellent posts last week about a woman named Alyssa Bereznak who very publicly shredded her OKCupid date (Jon Finkel) on the blog Gizmodo. Check out Badger’s posts… read more
Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them.
I wrote this as a comment on the good Captain’s site, but since it is stuck in moderation I thought I would share it here as well. In the Captain’s… read more
More judging the performance.
While checking out search engine results for Single in the Suburbs, I came across an interesting blog by the same name. The first post I saw was (at the time)… read more
Judging the performance.
One of the things which strikes me when reading women’s accounts of dating is how completely unaware some of them are that they are a participant on a date and… read more
Clueless daters.
Susan Walsh has a great blog post on Hooking Up Smart titled I Found a Great Beta Guy, But He’s Ruining His Own Game! It features a series of letters… read more
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