Kendrick Brothers
A change of focus?
After five movies in a row denigrating husbands and fathers*, it looks like the upcoming Kendrick brother’s movie might have a different focus. It is still in post production but… read more
How the Kendricks, Rainey, and Lepine see the married fathers they go to church with.
Family Life and the Kendrick brothers set out to make a movie to teach about biblical parenting. The title of the movie is Like Arrows, and they describe it at… read more
She’s in love with a bad boy.
Secular historian Callum Brown investigated British Christian literature and found that around 1700 a new narrative appeared, where women were “the angel of the house”. As he explained in The Death… read more
Fathers are jokes.
Father’s Day is a difficult day for modern Christians. While modern Christians have contempt for fathers 365 days a year, this is the day that makes the contempt for fatherhood… read more
So common no one notices.
Several commenters have noted that their pastor doesn’t give anti-father sermons on Father’s Day*. I don’t doubt this, as the church I attend doesn’t do this either. But the anti-father… read more
A radical Father’s Day proposal.
Several weeks ago I outlined the way modern conservative Christian leaders avoid confronting feminism by pretending that something mysterious has happened to men. This is something that is easy to… read more
The roots of modern Christian wife worship.
In the discussion of Women as responders, commenter Neguy pointed out that the idea that women are naturally good (so long as their husband is loving) goes much further back… read more
Entropy and the pumps.
Blue Pill Professor asked: In short, I think the efforts to destabilize marriage and family are so broad reaching that saying “remove the effort has little meaning.” Remove what? Movies,… read more
A funny thing happened on the way to the matriarchy.
In The decline of America is not an accident Vox Day quotes Mallory Millet on a communist call and respond chant Millet participated in back in 1969: “How do we… read more
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