Kendrick Brothers
Don’t fear marriage and fatherhood, but beware those who are working to destroy your family.
Matt Walsh has a new post up at the Blaze*: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Walsh makes some good points. He notes that marriage isn’t… read more
Modern Christian wife worship
44 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From War Room The Movie Lesson number 37: Husbands Either Serve Their Wives Or Serve Themselves – You cannot do both. Spoiler Alert – This… read more
Valor knows no gender
The Kendrick brothers are masters of the head fake. In Fireproof they ended the film with the surprise revelation that the original Love Dare was done by a woman! We… read more
Did he take notes?
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more
Modern Christian culture’s deep antipathy for fathers.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: 3 “that it may be well… read more
This means war.
A reader recently asked for my thoughts on the upcoming Kendrick brothers movie “War Room”. After doing some digging on the movie, my initial thought was of the line from the Tropic… read more
Call the Kendrick brothers!
I think we’ve found the script for the sequel to Fireproof. Empathologism shares a lesson to Christian husbands in his post The reverse nuclear option, the submissive Christian wife. The lesson… read more
Single mothers and the failure of Christian men; it is time to Man Up!
I pointed out in Light years closer to God that Christian men are failing women, and the primary failure is their unwillingness to confront the mass feminist rebellion. As a man calling… read more
The Book of Oprah
Note: This post contains Fireproof plot spoilers. Previously I’ve written that most churches speak like Christ and act like Oprah when it comes to divorce. The reality is even worse… read more
How Fireproof lowers the boom.
Several commenters to my post Lowering the boom asked if I could elaborate on my statement that what Joel and Kathy were describing was actually the plot of the movie Fireproof. … read more
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