Kendrick Brothers
Reframing Christian marriage part 4: judging the performance.
Christian wives have been taught to see their role in biblical marriage primarily as a judge of their husband’s obligation to love them as Christ loved the church. This is… read more
Husbands, submit yourselves to your wives
In one of the early scenes of Fireproof we witness the first of two marital fights which sets up the primary conflict of the movie. Much has been made about… read more
Shattering the forcefield of denial
Is she holding a plunger? One of my readers was kind enough to link to my post on Fireproof on a Christian forum thread where the movie is being discussed. … read more
Last week I had a discussion with two Christian women on another blog about my criticism of the movie Fireproof in my post The endless courtship fantasy. The women took… read more
The endless courtship fantasy.
Commenter Desiderius pointed out a very common movie theme in the comments to my post Do women want to get married: If I’m the only one seeing this phenomenon, why… read more
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