Kickass Conservative Gals
Reconciling old and new conservative views.
Stephen Green has a post up at Instapundit on the US Submarine force’s failure to meet the needs of women. Not all women who want to serve on submarines are… read more
Instapundit ran a post yesterday about the controversy the director of the latest movie in the Terminator series is trying to generate around the fact that the movie features a… read more
The day chivalry killed chivalry.
Back in January of 2016, Mr. Gabe Jones of Those Catholic Men declared in Women Don’t Deserve Combat that chivalry died on Dec 3, 2015: December 3, 2015 ought to be remembered… read more
You can’t argue with the boy.
Somewhere in Texas, on a Dalrock family road trip, my wife and children were having breakfast at the motel breakfast bar while I caught a few extra minutes of sleep. … read more
Chivalry and the kickass conservative gal.
While they may seem like an unlikely match at first, chivalry and the kickass conservative gal are a marriage made in modern conservative heaven. As commenter Mother_of_4_Original demonstrates in her response… read more
Kickass conservative gals.
From the discussion of both my post on manface and girlpower characters it is clear that even in the men’s sphere there is much love for “strong women”. In my… read more
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