Why We Must Not Allow Progressives To Control The English Language
Let me take this opportunity to turn a smug Marxist aphorism on its head: language (and not religion) is the true opiate of the masses. It is for this reason… read more
The 3 Biggest Challenges You’ll Face When Learning Russian
After a quick foray into a romance language like Spanish or French, it’s likely that you could be conversational on a basic level, woo your monolingual friends, and feel like… read more
What It Takes To Learn A New Language
Depending on a variety of preferences and circumstances, to learn several languages is highly beneficial at best and time-consuming yet frustrating at worst. While ROK rightly has stressed that some generally… read more
How To Become A More Persuasive Writer By Channeling Homer
There are two ways to become a better writer: write more and read more. I first read the Odyssey at the age of 14 and The Iliad at 17. I… read more
The Fascinating Linguistic Journey Of J.R.R. Tolkien
We have often discussed language-related subjects here. Readers interested in language acquisition may find it beneficial to hear something about the language ideas of one of the twentieth century’s most… read more
9 Languages Men Should Consider Learning
Knowing how to speak a foreign language or two is becoming increasingly important and beneficial these days. Whether you want to do some extensive travels, look for new opportunities, meet… read more
How To Fight Politically Correct Language
As a fan of the English language—even with its quirks and inconsistencies—I really hate seeing it butchered. Political correctness has been doing quite a bit of butchering over the years. Their… read more
2 Ways The Left Undermines Traditionalism
Traditionalism, the absurd notion that society isn’t a meta-individualistic nucleus for the propagation of anomie, is quite upsetting and inversive to the globalist order. Is it possible that we, as… read more
Will The Swedish Negro Ball (Negerboll) Survive The Era Of Political Correctness?
They’re brown, sweet, and probably Milo Yiannopoulos’s favourite pastry if he ever tasted them. I’m referring to the popular Swedish negerbollar (“negro balls” as translated into English). I remember making… read more
Why “Docility” Is The Best Word To Describe Femininity
We red-pillers all know that androgyny is a vice often confused as a virtue. People from all ideological sects have written at length about what masculinity is, but what is femininity?… read more
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