Conquering Hispanic Women: 9 Tips To Put Your Spanish Learning On Steroids
The following post is sponsored by PickupSpanish.com Being able to speak Spanish in Latin America is the mating advantage. Being able to speak Spanish and being an exotic foreigner? You’ll… read more
5 Tips For Hiring A Language Tutor
You have decided to learn another language. You are ready to take the process seriously, and you resolve to stay devoted, despite the difficulty of the task before you. Perhaps,… read more
“Womyn” Need A Lesson On The Evil Patriarchy’s Etymology
When looking for evidence of that elusive folk devil “the patriarchy,” social activists will often point to the gendered bias of the English language. Some feminists have sought to encourage… read more
Since When Does Getting “Raped” Count As Art?
On my post about heroicism, a commenter posted a picture of the “rape victim” with her mattress, and the commenters of course cracked all sorts of jokes in true dehumanizing… read more
The Word “Heroic” Has Very Little Meaning In Modern Times
One of the major themes you’ll find in my writing is that words have lost their meaning. Words today have become both vague and specific, and we rely on connotation… read more
How To Write In A Foreign Language
Previous articles in these pages have discussed techniques for improving one’s speaking, reading, and listening abilities in a foreign language. This focus is understandable, as most language students will have… read more
The Art Of Speaking And Writing Well
When Rome conquered Greece, it adopted many of her techniques of education. One of these was the emphasis on rhetoric (the art of speaking and writing well) as an independent… read more
20 Common Sense Tips On Learning Your First Second Language
If you are committed to moving away from your country, at some point in life chances are you will have to speak a language that’s not your own: Spanish, Portuguese,… read more
Learning A Language Is The Ultimate Act Of Self-Improvement
If you are reading this, I will assume that English is your first language. In the linguistic world, you hit the jackpot. People who are born into an English-speaking family… read more
How To Learn A Language And Practice Game At The Same Time
Why would anyone learn a language? Usually we wish to improve ourselves, develop an understanding of a foreign culture and, often most of all, communicate with beautiful women who would otherwise… read more
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