Larry Kummer
Status is a powerful motivator.
Larry Kummer at Fabius Maximus has an excellent two post series on the current state of marriage: We teach boys that marriage doesn’t work Women embrace higher values, destroying their… read more
Discontentment is both the input and the output of feminism.
Larry Kummer writes in Feminism has given us successful girls and broken girls: Summary: I have two grown boys. The most frequent comment I get from parents who have daughters:… read more
Never forget the eager role of the conservative anvil.
I originally left this as a comment in response to Larry Kummer’s recent post: Marriage: soon the Surgeon General will warn about it. Larry wrote: Summary: The Left has worked… read more
Weak men will screw feminism up.
Larry Kummer writes in Sexbots are coming. Society will never be the same. This month’s news about falling rates of sexual activity should remind us about one of the next… read more
Stepping away for a bit.
I’ll be turning on moderation around 9:00 PM this evening and won’t be turning it off until Sunday evening or Monday. I’ll probably do the same for the latter part… read more
Expect more cats.
Larry Kummer writes in Captain Marvel – fun for kids, swill for adults The cat – “Goose” – is a major character in Captain Marvel. It’s a weird extraneous element… read more
Transcripts of Warhorn podcast.
A couple of other bloggers were kind enough to put together transcripts of the Warhorn podcast for those who don’t want to listen to the silliness but want to understand… read more
Why Warhorn Media’s duplicity matters.
Larry Kummer asked me a question in an email exchange that I want to discuss as a stand alone post: Reading your last post, I don’t understand your objection. They… read more
Where most see girl power, Larry Kummer sees Dalrock’s Law of Feminism.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. — Dalrock’s Law of Feminism… read more
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