Comfort Will Not Give You Meaning In Life
The following article was originally published on Roosh V. Many people plan their lives around the pursuit of comfort. Whether it comes to work, relationships, or day-to-day living, all decisions… read more
Advice On Giving Advice To People
Giving advice to people is a challenge at times. Instead of being grateful for your advice, some people spit in your face, and call you some names. What gives? Say… read more
8 Ways To Deal With Your Future Death
We never stop to think that our time here is limited. Unlike God, we are mere mortals whose lives are going to end one day. And the sad truth is… read more
3 Tips On Staying Safe As A “Gray Man”
I heard a family member make remarks on the ‘victims’ of Hurricane Florence, who knew well in advance the possible horrors which came crawling their way. But were those who… read more
6 Ways To Become A Better Conversationalist
I like to eavesdrop on folk’s conversation from time to time. I pay attention to their use in terminology, the subject matter, maturity in their tonality, etc. It’s often them bouncing… read more
Are You Too Agreeable?
Society as a whole prefers an agreeable man over a disagreeable one. Folks with high agreeableness tend to be social, cooperative, sympathetic, altruistic, and much more passive than their disagreeable… read more
When You Set A Goal, You Inherit A Lifestyle
The following article was originally published on Roosh V. Upon setting a goal, you fantasize about the pleasure you’ll receive from accomplishing it. The problem is that only a tiny… read more
5 Ways To Keep Your Cool When Shit Hits the Fan
There will be times in life that you will be so angry or upset that you will be tempted to do some dumb shit that could ruin your life, career,… read more
9 Secrets To Living A Joyful Life
Life doesn’t always have to be boring or sad just because most of the world is. Below I will share some of the ways I try to make my reality… read more
10 Reasons Why You Should Own A Jet Ski
Have you always thought about getting a jet ski, but had your doubts about pulling the trigger? Take it from me, they are more fun than you might think—and they… read more
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