Every Man Should Know How To Play A Musical Instrument
Greetings, fellow dong-wielders of the Manosphere. As part of my efforts to be more involved in this space of ours, I thought I would first muse on a subject very… read more
Would You Rather Live In A Society Controlled By Sharia Law Or Social Justice?
If the flame of the West is snuffed out and the choice is between Islam and “social justice,” I’m choosing the former. Return Of Kings has long pointed out the travesty… read more
The Past Is An Anchor
It’s tempting to think that you can start over at any moment, just pack up your bags and head to new places, but like a shadow, your past will follow… read more
What To Do When The Cops Show Up
Maybe you didn’t deserve it but there you are, talking to the cops. If you answer wrong you can earn a ticket, an ass kicking, jail or all three. Everyone… read more
The Influence Curve
Many men want the influence of being followed by a great mass of people without understanding the costs to gaining that influence, not just from a fame standpoint, where you… read more
5 Most Common Forms Of Passive Aggressive Behavior You’ll Encounter
The feminization of our era brings with it some annoying concepts. Out of which, one that we are so used to and almost always annoyed by is the passive aggressive… read more
How To Choose Fashion Accessories
By this point, if you read my articles diligently, you will have some idea of how to dress yourself. You will know that fit and cut are everything, you will… read more
Why You Should Ban Visually Barbaric LED Lightbulbs From Your Home
Our daily lives are full of things we take for granted and do not give much attention to. Do you think much about the lamps, or better yet, the light… read more
Are You On A Treadmill Of Materialism That Goes Nowhere?
Prepare yourself because it is only going to get worse. The giant marketing machine that is the modern media will become even more pervasive and insidious as technology continues to evolve…. read more
Your Internet Friends Can’t Duplicate Real-Life Human Connection
Most of the knowledge you have is due to the internet. Public education in the West has failed to give you a proper understanding of the world or skills that… read more
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