How To Obtain And Use Testosterone For Male Birth Control
[Editor’s Note: This is not medical advice, but rather the experience of the author. See a health professional if you want to supplement with testosterone.] The female birth control pill… read more
Ebola Volunteers Nancy Writebol And Ken Brantly Are Cowards
If you haven’t been living under a rock lately, you’ve probably heard about the deadly Ebola virus being brought (willingly) on to American soil; so maybe it’s time to start… read more
How To Remove Genital Warts On Your Penis Using Apple Cider Vinegar
I’ve had two bouts of genital warts during my life. Before you get judgmental and say I should have wrapped it up, one of the bouts occurred in the area… read more
The Reason Most Men Are Impotent And Depressed
How many guys do you know that read pickup or game related material yet don’t do a single approach? How many people do you know that want to be entrepreneurs… read more
Don’t Take Yourself So Fucking Seriously
How do you react when things don’t go as you’d like? You get fired. You say something that makes the girl you’re flirting with run away. Your friend cancels on… read more
The Importance Of Money
Money dictates the flow of human living in the modern world. Without money, life is often difficult and painful, and even more for a man. It helps to create freedom…. read more
Reflections On My Freshman Year Of College
So my freshman year of college is over. I had a period of idiocy where I started to believe some of the ultra-left wing bullshit that American colleges try to… read more
How To Get Connected In The Club Scene
I have met a lot of guys over the years that experience “club burnout”. They no longer have a desire to go to the high end dance clubs because they… read more
An Open Letter To Asian Men Of The West
Consider for a moment that pussy is a tradable good in the sexual marketplace, and that its quarterly performance, whether good or bad, has measurable impact on the majority of… read more
What To Do If You Have A Worthless Degree
Arguably the most despicable and disgusting transgression against the youth of America is the purposeful and intentional brainwashing of said youth by the education industry. From kindergarten on you are… read more
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