Every Man Should Have A Talent With His Hands
A man’s brain is the most powerful conscious entity in the known universe. It’s a smorgasbord of ideas, pulses, urges, and a zest for experimentation which have elevated us from… read more
Through The Looking Glass
My first year of law school I was paired up with a mentor. His name was Jeff, a very nice guy actually and we kept in contact with each other… read more
A Brazilian Man Talks About Game, Social Media, And How His Country Is Changing
My interview series continues. I recently met up with my friend Gilmar Santos, a Brazilian guy whom I’ve known for some time. I’ve learned a great deal about social dynamics… read more
Why You Should Contain Your Envy
Humans are envious by nature, and there is a strong tendency in our society to take advantage of this reality for the sake of financial gain. Your typical American citizen… read more
A Basic Principle That Will Change Your Life
Curtis Jackson was born and raised in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, New York. He was raised by his mother, a cocaine dealer and a lesbian. She died when… read more
10 Reasons You Should Become A Survivalist
If you are the kind of man who reads Return of Kings, you are aware that all is not well in our current political, economic and cultural situation. You’ve taken… read more
How To Date Several Girls At The Same Time
Juggling several girls may look easy, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s a fine art that requires laser-like attention to detail, planning, creativity, and—above all—poise. Unfortunately,… read more
The Story Of The American Bachelor
An American feminist waited impatiently at her boyfriend’s apartment for him to take her out to their weekly expensive dinner. The boyfriend’s roommate, a single twenty-something man who shared the modest… read more
An Ode To The Resolutioners Who Are Making It
Resolutioners, as Urban Dictionary puts it, are; …a new or rarely seen gym member who’s sudden appearance has undoubtedly been brought about by a personal resolution to “get in shape.”… read more
The Shamanic Medicine That Could Transform Your Life
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic medicine brewed by the traditional shamans of the amazon. Before the first and only time I tried it, one of the other participants told me, “ayahuasca… read more
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