Every Man Needs A Friendly Neighborhood Bar
You will go to the nightclubs. You will go to the hotspots. You will spend hours at a salsa club. And you will spend years chasing tail in loud “Oomp-chicka-oomp”… read more
My One Year Of Not Masturbating
As I stated in my previous article, the last time I masturbated was February 24, 2013. On Monday I hit a full year of abstaining from what is essentially a… read more
5 Reasons To Try A New Hobby
Last year I gave up my Krav Maga self-defense training when I was in the middle of changing jobs. I never picked it back up. While I stay quite busy splitting… read more
Reading Without Limits: A Review Of eBook Subscription App Oyster
Imagine you’re at a nice restaurant for dinner. The cheapest entrée on the menu is $40, and you’re hungry. There’s lots of exotic and foreign choices on the menu, but… read more
Every Man Should Have A Best Friend
I will never forget the day that we picked you out from your litter. Amidst 9 yellow Labrador retriever puppies, you were the one marked with the hint of light… read more
6 Reasons Why You Should Know How To Cook
For too long grilled cheese sandwiches, microwaved TV dinners, scrambled eggs and cereal mix recipes have been passed down by men for generations. And for too long cooking has been… read more
A Players’ Guide To Wine Appreciation
A recent RVF forum thread brought to my attention the degree of ignorance that exists when it comes to tasting and appreciating wine. This saddens me because I respect wine… read more
3 Ways To Make Better New Year’s Resolutions
It’s more than passé to say that New Years’ resolutions are cheesy and useless. Most people hate them, ultimately, because they never complete them — even thinking about resolutions calls up… read more
10 Reasons Why You Should Live Without Apology
You’ve been told, “Don’t do this.” “It’s dangerous.” “It won’t work.” “You’ll hurt yourself.” “You’ll fail.” Everyone from your friends, ministers, parents, mentors… all of them. And you believed them…. read more
What Did You Accomplish This Year?
I’m laying on my bed waiting to drive to a family Christmas party. It just hit me – another year is in the books. As the festivities and drinking ramp… read more
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