How To Spot And Avoid A McDojo/Belt Factory
Martial arts is a study of discipline. While the main premise behind martial arts is self-defense the main benefit is self-discipline. Self-discipline is very difficult to come by, which is… read more
The Benefits Of Avoiding Fatherhood
In the last few years there have even been many articles and even books written by women expelling the virtues of avoiding motherhood. In fact any cursory glance at the… read more
The Snitchy Bitch
The recent takedown of Pax Dickinson and the Adria Richards kerfuffle highlights a new, real, and increasing threat as the latest generation of girls, brainwashed with feminist, leftist, and crusaderist… read more
You Are The Most Important
It’s easy to get distracted. Back in college I would peruse Facebook. Watch the news. Play video games. Talk shit with my roommates. I would do anything to distract myself…. read more
5 Big Lies You Have Been Hearing Your Whole Life
There are at least five big lies we have been hearing throughout our lives over and over that somehow evolved into being accepted as axiomatic truisms, when they are anything… read more
Take Care Of Your Stuff
A few weeks ago my Kindle stop receiving data through the 3G AT&T wireless connection. I found a lot of info on broken Kindles but I couldn’t find any relevant… read more
5 Reasons Fat People Are Evil
America continues its glorious descent into the hell that was foretold by our Puritan forefathers. A rapidly increasing piece of the populace threatens the delicate social order of America: fat people…. read more
“I Want” Is Not Good Enough
At least 90% of the time when someone begins a sentence with “I want … ” I immediately decide to ignore everything else they are about to say. Here are… read more
Letter To My College Freshman Self
So you’ve been on campus for a few weeks. You’re in awe of all the young, beautiful women. You’re overwhelmed by the constant stream of information and entertainment. You’ve attended… read more
Life Happens Once You Unplug
Newton’s first law of of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted on by an outside force. During childhood our imagination is at its… read more
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