Why You Should Make Meals With A Slow-Cooker
If you’re single and living alone, it’s important to know how to cook nutritious meals for yourself on a consistent basis. Like practically everything else in today’s world, you need… read more
5 Talents That Help Men In The Modern Age
As winter is about to come to an end, I hope you guys have all been working hard. Much as we may detest the cold, there’s really no better time… read more
An Introduction To Rifle And Pistol Ammunition
I’ve written a good many firearms articles for Return Of Kings, and I’ve gotten a couple comments regarding ammunition selection. As a gun is useless without proper skills, so it… read more
Why I Decided To Become A Big Rig Truck Driver
I may be the only Emmy-award winning newscaster who also holds a Class A Commercial Driver’s License and speaks Spanish fluently in the United States. Hot off big daddy government’s… read more
An Introduction To The Combat Shotgun
Part of a man’s arsenal is detailed towards defending his home. The pistol is a good thing to carry while out and about, and it makes a good nightstand decoration…. read more
It’s Time To Flip The Script On Frivolous Divorce
So, you’ve been frivorced. When you were out slaying dragons, you knew you could always find warm companionship back home in your cozy foxhole with your, ahem, beautiful and loyal… read more
What To Do If Someone Close To You Gets Diagnosed With Cancer
In the past year a close friend of mine named Bob was diagnosed with cancer. While I was familiar with the disease, I didn’t know the best way to help… read more
6 Things That Have Drastically Improved My Life
To hack through life and find a solid and somewhat holistic lifestyle is not exactly rocket science. Many components of such a lifestyle are also things that can be generalized… read more
8 Productivity Tips I Use Every Day
In this podcast, I explain eight productivity tips that I use every day to create the work that you enjoy from me. They include how to prepare for a day’s… read more
Has Higher Education Become A Scam?
In the beginning, college was intended for the best and the brightest of students. Back in the 1940s, a guy could get a well-paid unionized factory job without even a… read more
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