Weapon Ballistics: How To Make A Shot At Long Range
As the fields of various firearms technologies evolved, we’ve seen the capabilities of the different types of small arms grow in scope and diversity. What was originally the same gun… read more
How I Make Aeropress Coffee At Home
Writing my new book is gobbling up most of my free time, but I was able to make an extremely important video on how I make a cup of coffee… Visit my… read more
7 Things I Learned On The Road This Year
By the time this post runs, I’ll be airborne heading back to California from my new “home” in Eastern Europe. While it’ll be a temporary stop for only about a… read more
The Problem With Setting Goals
In this video, I explain how some goals may not be so fruitful… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see new clips before I drop them… read more
Why You Should Always Be Prepared For A Survival Situation
Since the dawn of time there have always been rites of passage for men. In ancient times it may have been to hunt your first animal, or survive in the… read more
8 Reasons Why You Should Try Photography As A Hobby
Have you ever had a curiosity in photography, yet you weren’t sure if it’s a hobby really worthy of your limited time? Then this article was written for you, as… read more
What To Do In An Ammo Panic
Firearms panics happen over a variety of things, like acts of domestic terrorism, mass shootings, or Democrats getting elected to office. Though we may not have to worry about this… read more
WATCH: How I Make My Own Bread At Home With A Bread Machine
I took the bread pill and started making my own bread. This video explains why and how I do it… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to… read more
5 Firearms A Man Should Own
The election in November is anything but a sure thing and it is quite possible that the USA will have Hillary Clinton as its next President. One of the first… read more
7 Times You Should Do The Opposite Of What People Tell You
There’s a pretty simple way to maximize your self improvement. Do the opposite of what everyone else does. It’s easy. Most people in the masses are so plugged in, they’re… read more
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