10 Types Of Idiots You’ll Find At A Gun Range
Fueled by liberal threats, the desire to exercise a right to protect oneself, and the basic truth that shooting is a lot of fun, more people become part of the… read more
Why You Should Shave With A Single Blade And Brush
“Oh god, Larsen’s talking about fashion, this isn’t what I read his columns for!” is what I imagine you’re probably saying after reading that title. Before you go running off… read more
14 Answers To Lifestyle And Health Questions
Last week I asked for your questions and received over 300 of them. It made the most sense to group the questions by topic. Here is the first video on lifestyle and health:… read more
4 European Countries To Emigrate To If The West Collapses
A growing number of our readers have raised the issue of which country to emigrate to if the total cultural collapse that some predict finally occurs. The nations are reviewed on… read more
8 Circumstances When Anger Is Actually Good
Lately ROK writer Corey Savage has penned a couple of pieces about the negative sides of anger. His pieces exude hard-earned, experience-based wisdom. It is very easy, when one is… read more
How To Take The Perfect Shot With A Firearm
In previous articles, we discussed the steps in firing a shot, with both proper sight picture and trigger control. Good shot control will result in small, tight groups of holes… read more
How To Properly Fire A Gun
Now that we know a little about gun sights and how to use them, we should discuss the rest of the steps of firing a shot and what your resulting… read more
How To Properly Aim A Firearm
Despite the left’s false platitudes that firearms are the cause of the high murder rates in some areas of the US, as if they committed the crimes themselves, a firearm… read more
31 Signs You Might Be A Bobo
“Bobo” is the contraction of “Bourgeois Bohemian,” an expression that surfaced in the late 1990s. According to David Brooks, self-claimed Bobo and author of the first book on the topic,… read more
How To Cook A Steak
As women have migrated from the kitchen to the cubicle, we are left with processed fast food and vacuum packed microwave meals. Vegetarian diet is being pushed or downright forced… read more
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