A Connoisseur’s Guide To Modern Rifles
The rifle has evolved for the past few hundred years. In the first part of this article, we covered important technological milestones that were achieved at points in American history,… read more
The History And Evolution Of Rifles
“Only accurate rifles are interesting.” Though the value of this statement is contested in gun articles back then and today, Americans have always been able to shoot well. Being a… read more
Why You Should Consider Planting A Garden
Spring is just around the corner, and I urge every man to consider planting a garden. First, there is the obvious food source. A garden is a frugal investment, which can… read more
How To Become An Independent Man
Let’s contemplate the idea of man’s dependence on society and how that dependence forces him to do, think, and say things that make him a different sort of man than… read more
How To Choose, Buy, And Shoot A Shotgun
The shotgun is a American weapon. Split off from smooth bore muskets, the idea of firing a bunch of little balls of lead instead of one ball developed from an… read more
8 Ways You Can Win When Dealing With Difficult People
We all have to deal with difficult people. They may be co-workers, clients, friends, family members, or lovers. We can’t avoid contact with them. And with our narcissistic world being… read more
14 Essential Subjects That We’ll Teach Children At The ROK International School
As I get older, I need to plan ahead and choose between a life of casual sex, a life focused on family, or reconcile the two. But whatever the choice,… read more
You’ll Have A Hard Time Meeting Girls If Your Style Is Missing These Two Elements
One of the oldest questions in the seduction book is whether or not looks and appearance count when meeting women. To put an end to the years of debate around this issue… read more
A Beginner’s Guide To Carrying A Handgun
The following will be a brief introduction into the art of concealed carry of a handgun. Ever since Florida introduced a Carrying Concealed Weapons (CCW) Permit, with the other 49… read more
12 Ways Dads Can Stay Lean And Muscular Year Round
It’s easy to become a father. It’s hard to be a dad, to help your children grow strong and healthy while taking care of yourself. Being a good dad takes… read more
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