20 Things You Can Do Instead Of Playing Video Games
I had played video games in all forms and all genres for 20 years before I decided to quit. I had to—it was simply taking too much time away from… read more
How To Buy Your First Handgun
In these troubled times, a man should be armed. The best solution for achieving peaceful living is avoiding trouble, having good locks on your doors, and owning firearms. The specific… read more
5 More Reasons Why You Should Learn How To Cook
Cooking: every man, at some point, has to cook something to eat. My father was a manly man type, he served in the Marines, could rebuild a car engine, was… read more
Why You Should Do Everything With 100% Commitment
A sure way for men to fail at opportunities in life, business, and with women is by half-assing it — that is, deciding on a course of action but then not… read more
4 Reasons To Be A Lifelong Renter
As a lifelong renter, I’ve never been interested in the idea of owning a house. This became increasingly prescient in the wake of the 2008 recession and many people shackled… read more
You Are Most Certainly Deficient In Vitamin D
In the past two decades there has been a crusade by the skin care industrial complex to make you afraid of the sun, not unlike how modern woman are taught… read more
My Experience At A Religious Retreat In America
Recently I attended a multi-day religious retreat with over 1,000 other members of a traditional, simple, old fashioned religious organization. Personally I do not believe in the spiritual, but understand… read more
Why You Should Stop Using Pot
If you want to achieve anything in life, it’s time to stop smoking pot. This advice runs quite contrary to the current popular culture. Recreational marijuana use has gone mainstream… read more
5 Proven Ways To Become More Assertive
Last week I went to dinner with my cousin and her friend who were visiting me for some days. They really enjoy Italian food so I booked a table in… read more
W Motors And Ralph Debbas: An Entrepreneur’s Success Story
Our understanding of history and current events tends to emphasize the unusual, the extraordinary, or the extreme. This reflects the prejudice of the historian or newsman more than anything else…. read more
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