Lifetime Movie of the Week
Lifetime Movie of the Week: I me wed.
The recent discussion of Emotional Pornography along with Welmer’s recent post on the Spearhead about the woman who went on her honeymoon without her husband reminded me that I had… read more
Lifetime movie of the week: On Strike for Christmas
If you don’t catch the movie, you can always read the book (or just check out the customer reviews). From the Publishers Weekly review on Amazon: Roberts’s sweetly vengeful dig… read more
My new reality show.
Evidently Lifetime learned about my new weekly series publicizing their channel, so they offered me my own show to demonstrate their gratitude. The deal almost fell apart over the title… read more
Lifetime movie of the week: Waitress
I am sometimes curious what flavor of social and familial poison the Lifetime channel is serving up, so I’ll check out the description on our cable’s guide section. What is… read more
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