Lisa Anderson
For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
She did her part, but the man didn’t man up.
As I’ve noted in my last two posts, Lisa Anderson of Focus on the Family teaches modern Christian women that “actively pursuing marriage” means: Praying for a husband. Talking about wanting… read more
Empowered to avoid responsibility.
In her book The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage with Purpose, Lisa Anderson explains why she didn’t start considering marriage until she was 30. As she recognizes (to a… read more
Returning to a past that never was.
The problem with conservationism is that it isn’t rooted in anything real, anything solid. This leaves conservatives grasping for anything they can claim as “traditional” in opposition to the current… read more
Experts at failing.
The Other McCain has a post up about a woman (Julia Baugher) whose profession is giving life advice, even though her own life is an absolute train-wreck. The post titled Fame… read more
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