Lowering The Boom
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 1).
I’ve written previously about the modern Christian cross-dressing view of marriage, where wives are in absolute headship and regularly need to give their husbands wakeup calls to establish their authority. … read more
Not listening.
A few readers have challenged my observation that when complementarians say husbands are guilty of “not listening” to their wives what they mean is husbands aren’t doing what the wife… read more
FotF and Dr. Hegstrom: Check your male privilege.
Screaming abuse is a brilliant feminist tool to keep husbands compliant because while there are some abusive men who mistreat women, feminists know they can appeal to men as a… read more
Unhappy? Make your husband put a deposit into Dr. Harley’s Bank.
Commenter Trust asked if I would give my thoughts on a post by Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D. titled When to call it quits (Part 1). Dr. Harley explains… read more
The wake-up call.
Even as wives are commanded to submit to the authority of their husbands, the husband is called to a far higher standard of Christ-like love and devotion toward the wife…. read more
The crazy dictator.
My wife and I watched a movie titled Joshua a while back (plot spoiler alert). We ended up fast forwarding the second half of the film just to see how… read more
Advice from an expert (on failing as a husband).
Be afraid, be very afraid. This is the advice to husbands from modern Christian leaders. Where the Bible stresses headship and that our marriage vows bind us for life, the… read more
Call the Kendrick brothers!
I think we’ve found the script for the sequel to Fireproof. Empathologism shares a lesson to Christian husbands in his post The reverse nuclear option, the submissive Christian wife. The lesson… read more
How Fireproof lowers the boom.
Several commenters to my post Lowering the boom asked if I could elaborate on my statement that what Joel and Kathy were describing was actually the plot of the movie Fireproof. … read more
Lowering the boom.
Creative destruction. Back in May Empathologism wrote about Joel and Kathy Davisson in his post Your wife had and affair, its your fault. One of their catch phrases is “lowering the boom”. … read more
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