

  • Sunday Morning Cartoons


    In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry.  Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more

  • Weak men screwing Star Wars feminism up.


    Spoiler Alert:  Don’t read any further if you want to avoid plot spoilers for the new Star Wars movie. Mark Judge complains that weak men are screwing his Star Wars… read more

  • Dereliction of duty


    I was curious if the CBMW had a response to the decision to open all combat roles to women.  I was curious given their great ambivalence regarding biblical gender roles… read more

  • The fantasy of drafting women.


    Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced today that all combat roles will be opened to women, with no exceptions.  This has lead to a reply from many conservatives that women should… read more

  • Hurting women


    New commenter Rachel attempted in several comments to redirect the topic in the discussion of Why won’t he hurry up and die already? beginning with: Hi, I know this blog… read more

  • Insensitive


    In the discussion of What is closeness? I pointed out that the Sensitive Elliot clip does an excellent job of showing that what we culturally think of as “sensitive” really… read more

  • What is closeness?


    Much of the objection to my last post stems from a misunderstanding of what constitutes closeness between a husband and wife. What closeness is Cane’s description of the laugh he… read more

  • How much should a husband share with his wife?


    New commenter ayatollah1988 asked how much a husband should turn to his wife for emotional support: Dalrock, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this. I’ve heard it talked… read more

  • Remaking the princess, evicting the prince.

    Remaking the princess, evicting the prince.


    Disney has a new television program about a young princess in training titled Sofia The First.  Nancy Kanter (Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide) explained… read more

  • Red pill bitterness


    Several readers have asked me to elaborate on a point I made in Backlash against the Christian Manosphere regarding “the red pill” and empathy for women.  See the previous post for… read more