The Long March of Envy.
Italian Paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade While the official claim is that integrating women into combat roles is to provide the largest possible pool of capable forces to draw from,… read more
My comment to Zippy Catholic
Update: Zippy and I have agreed to disagree. Here is my most recent comment to Zippy at his site: Dalrock: I presume it is mutual that we are past the… read more
Hostage negotiator for life?
Are you good enough to stop me from using this? Society has seen fit to hand wives the option to destroy their families on a whim in an effort to… read more
Cypher’s Problem
In his post Why Christians Need Game, Dalrock states the case thus: Christians need game because: 1. Abandoning the biblical frame of marriage kills the attraction wives feel for their… read more
Professor Hale’s War Stories
Professor Hale at Rebellion University has been sharing stories from his past. While they aren’t technically war stories because none involve actual combat, they are both funny and entertaining. As… read more
Thank goodness daddy can’t really protect her from bad guys!
World Net Daily has a story on a man who was arrested after his four year old daughter drew a picture of him with a gun (emphasis mine): …Sansone’s 4-year-old… read more
Men behaving badly, or speaking ill of the dead?
With all of the hand wringing about the lack of an official women and children first policy on the wrecked Costa Concordia, one would think that the ordinary men on… read more
The gift transformed into a debt.
Blessed is he who expects no gratitude, for he shall not be disappointed. – W.C. Bennett Back in 1852 the troop ship HMS Birkenhead sank in shark infested waters off… read more
Why wasn’t it women and children first?
Shortly after the sinking of the Costa Concordia we started having a low level grumble in the media about the failure to implement a “women and children first” evacuation policy. … read more
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