More proof feminism has jumped the shark
H/T Paul Elam by way of The Private Man: We are living through one of history’s great transitions – a major shift in social and cultural consciousness where institutions and… read more
The Long Way [Shut] Down.
Jack Donovan wrote a while back about how feminists infiltrated and ultimately shut down a strongman class he created at a local gym in his piece The Soft Shutdown. All… read more
How to encourage a husband to show more leadership.
A reader who I’ll call Ann emailed me a while back asking for my thoughts on what she can do to encourage her husband to show more leadership. I’ll share… read more
Awkward Family Photos.
Until this weekend, aside from my wife and daughter no one who knows me in real life knows about the blog. I told my sister about it over the weekend,… read more
If you are like me, you know quite a few young men, parents, and young women who would benefit greatly from understanding the realities of attraction and the sexual marketplace. … read more
The value of men as protectors.
Chuck at Gucci Little Piggy has a great piece titled Insurance Men, where he challenges a comment made on another blog that men’s role as protectors no longer adds real… read more
Feminist scavenger hunt.
The feminist fantasy always runs the same way. A tough no nonsense woman tries to break in to an all male sphere. To prove herself she must first pass, no,… read more
We are all chivalrous now.
One response I’ve noticed from many women when the topic of chivalry comes up is to suggest that chivalry isn’t really dead, it is simply a matter of gender neutral… read more
Chivalry only comes from a position of strength.
The concept of chivalry has been so twisted by feminists and their boot-licking white knight minions that it is difficult to even imagine that there might once have been a… read more
Chivalry on the Titanic
I’ve been thinking about chivalry lately, partly because of the focus this topic receives in the manosphere. Back in May grerp posted her take on chivalry (feminism killed it), and… read more
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