Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart
My wife watched a documentary yesterday on Amelia Earhart where they suggested that the famous aviator and feminist hero likely lost her life due to her unwillingness to learn how… read more
Apple Juice Boy
My wife had a coupon for IHOP a few weeks ago, so we decided to go have breakfast for lunch and invite my buddy along. While we were there another… read more
Gaming your wife.
One of the concerns which I hear with some regularity is why a man would marry only to need to “work” to game his wife. I’m not an expert on… read more
Share your own feats of mangineering.
H/T to Badger Nation: The urban dictionary definition is up! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mangineering You are correct, def #2 is so bitchy. My one question: who the F are those women married to?… read more
No sex since 1955.
A crusty old Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event, hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one… read more
Mangineering with PVC.
Definition I submitted to Urban Dictionary. Will they post it? Note: I submitted the above definition as an alternative to the existing bitchy one. It has since been accepted and… read more
Hail to the king, baby!
Warning: If you don’t like reading about married sex, you should not click on the link for Married Man Sex Life. I repeat, do not click on the link for… read more
Brothers Grimm: Man up!
The two previous Brothers Grimm tales we have explored had young women as main characters and stressed the importance of hard work and humility. Today’s tale is titled The youth… read more
Cowboy boots and camo pants.
I’m not a big country music fan. I do like some of it but this is probably best classified as country even people who don’t like country like. So if… read more
How a real man goes fishing.
I have some family issues I need to focus on and may not be able to get any substantive posts out this week. In the meantime, I thought you might… read more
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