Mrs Dalrock’s favorite wedding scenes.
Just because this is the manosphere, doesn’t mean we can’t have a post or two for the ladies. In their honor, I present Mrs Dalrock‘s favorite wedding scenes. #2) The… read more
On gun control and wimpy betas.
The topic of wimpy betas is a common one in the manosphere. While being wimpy is not part of the definition of being beta, in practice it often seems that… read more
Roll your own alpha?
One of the blogs on my blogroll is Haley’s Halo. Haley is a Christian woman in search of a suitable Christian man to marry. From reading her blog, I gather… read more
Things my wife says.
On the changes to Dexter (less killings, more drama): Why do they have to chickify every show we like! If women don’t want to watch it, then let them go… read more
The Pleistocene: When men were men and women were glad!
OneSTDV has an excellent blog post about vegetarianism titled:  Real (White) Men Eat Meat: How Vegetarianism Went Mainstream. In it he draws the link between promotion of vegetarianism and… read more
This is What a Beta Looks Like.
My wife is not only sexy and brilliant, but also a pretty patient woman. She puts up with me checking out Pickup Artist sites like Roissy Citizen Renegade Heartiste, and… read more
Are PUAs Mixing Hunting and Reproductive Instincts?
I am a hunter. I haven’t actually hunted for several years, but like any addiction I am a hunter for life. Don’t get me wrong, hunting is a wonderful addiction. … read more
Thoughts on my friend Roland
In my second year of college my father bought a house for me to stay in (with roommates) with the idea of keeping it as an investment property later. I… read more
How to field strip a baby.
Field stripping a baby is really no big deal. It doesn’t require any special tools (no disrespect to the great John Browning), and the cleaning patches are pre soaked with… read more
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