3 Myths Believed By Men Who Haven’t Correctly Applied Manosphere Teachings
They say the truth can be a hard pill to swallow; the red pill being a markedly unpleasant one for most. Since the inception of the manosphere and red-pill-awareness, droves… read more
Men Who Constantly Hate On American Women Are Sore Losers
As somebody who has gotten a few “flags”—mostly from emigres, tourists, and exchange students—I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t “think locally and fuck globally” in the immortal… read more
My Wife Suddenly Divorced Me After Inheriting $400,000 In Cash
So there I was, driving the minivan, family buckled in, heading down the road to my father-in-law’s funeral. He was a hard-drinking, hard-cussing Navy vet, but a Korean War injury… read more
Cracked’s Impotent Attack On The Manosphere Is A Sign Of Their Rapid Decline As A Humor Magazine
What happens when a once-great comedy website preaches a sermon against the Manosphere? It’s a disaster like Mark Hill’s “What We’re All Getting Wrong About Pickup Artists” featured on Cracked in… read more
Women Should Give Bountiful Thanks To The Manosphere
The real point of the Thanksgiving tradition isn’t actually about stuffing ourselves to bursting with turkey and high-carb cheat food. As the name implies, it’s really about counting our blessings…. read more
Psi Males: Men Who Are Too Alpha for Their Own Good
There are some pitfalls in the conventional wisdom of the online manosphere despite providing a more realistic explanation of gender relations than that of the feminist establishment. What I find… read more
How The Manosphere Crushed Feminism
Donald Trump’s ascendance, aided by masculine men who vehemently deny political correctness, is evidence that the manosphere has had a monumental effect on Western culture. I trace the history of… read more
I Was Interviewed About Liberals, The Manosphere, And Making Money Online
Recently I was on Bernard Chapin’s show for an excellent chat about events of the past year, my opinion on various political and cultural issues, and what it takes to… read more
Cuckservatives Have Started To Adopt Manosphere Narratives
Here’s a kicker for you: housewives are happier than feminists, and happier than women in any other occupation. It may still be a thoughtcrime to publish that truth, but more… read more
Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing
There are those who think we should only get our news from “official” sources. You know, like the blonde telling you what to believe in between hocking a hockey game…. read more
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