Manosphere Humor
An educated guess.
Commenter Anonymous Reader ponders the response of prominent Complementarians to the case of social workers lying in court to take a woman’s children away: I wonder what the usual tradcon… read more
I think he has earned a puppy party.
In Why Man and Woman Are Not Equal Glenn Stanton writes: The New York Times’s Gail Collins told NPR unequivocally that the most important primary finding of her brilliant book… read more
Hitler Learns Wikileaks Released Democrat Campaign Emails
When I saw that Ecuador cut off Assange’s Internet access I decided to try my hand at satirically scripting this famous scene. Language warning. read more
He’s begging you; don’t forget the beta bucks!
Yesterday Instapundit linked to a piece by Mark Judge titled How Feminism Created the Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Refreshingly, Judge isn’t jumping in with the standard Traditional Conservative complaint that… read more
Funny because it is true.
On the topic of the denied impact of judgment on women, The Onion presents: Single Woman With 3 Young Children Unaware She Subject Of 984 Judgments Today …single mother Karen… read more
Hey, that’s *our* trick!
Friday afternoon light reading, courtesy of the Dalrock Research Dept. Mommyish has a post about Nick Loeb’s Op Ed piece at the NYT. Loeb wants custody of the frozen embryos… read more
What is closeness?
Much of the objection to my last post stems from a misunderstanding of what constitutes closeness between a husband and wife. What closeness is Cane’s description of the laugh he… read more
Hear them roar.
Infowars on feminist music. The need to make what should be beautiful ugly is of course standard for feminists. Hat Tip MarcusD read more
Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble…
I came across this while researching Pastor Driscoll’s apologies for one of my two final posts in the series. Relevant magazine links to a Driscoll sermon from 2007 titled A… read more
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