Manosphere Humor
Too busy planning for retirement to find a husband.
She may have waited a bit too long… Edit: The youtube version of the commercial seems to be gone, but you can still see the add on ispot. read more
Chick logic.
Professor Patricia O’Brien argues at The Washington Post that women shouldn’t be incarcerated because it isn’t fair that men are more likely to go to prison than women. From We should… read more
Full of sound and fury.
Mommyish has a post by a woman* who complains about all of the nice things people do for her. This kind of feminist ugliness is pretty standard stuff, but her explanation of why… read more
A modern day Cyrano for a modern day Roxane.
H/T Private Man LSFW Related: The Great Douchebag Mystery The Bard’s Betas read more
Not the real stepdad.
Not new, but new to me from the Onion: You’re Not My Real Stepdad! You’re not the boss of me. You’re not the guy who married my mom after she… read more
Don’t judge a book by its cover
The most common complaint in the comboxes of Matt Walsh’s criticism of Fifty Shades of Grey is that Walsh has not actually read the book. 50SOG is according to its… read more
Yiayia wouldn’t approve
In Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom I pointed out that our great grandmothers understood the nature of women’s temptation to sin. What is fascinating is we know this, even though we have… read more
Bad Grandpa Solipsism.
Bad Grandpa is Johnny Knoxville doing a Jackass skit extended to a feature film. I’ve coded the video to start at 1 minute 11 seconds where they start discussing the bed… read more
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